5s Audit

A 5S audit is a tool used to evaluate the organization, cleanliness, and efficiency of a workspace by examining the implementation of the 5S principles: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.

  • Sort
  • Remove unnecessary items from workspace
  • Dispose of obsolete tools/equipment
  • Organize materials based on usage frequency
  • Label non-removable items
  • Set in Order
  • Designated places for tools
  • Clearly mark zones and boundaries
  • Use shadow boards for tool storage
  • Arrange cables and wires neatly
  • Shine
  • Clean machines and equipment
  • Wipe down surfaces daily
  • Empty trash bins regularly
  • Inspect and replace damaged cleaning tools
  • Standardize
  • Create standardized work instructions
  • Develop regular cleaning schedules
  • Use color-coded systems for organization
  • Implement consistent labeling practices
  • Sustain
  • Provide 5S training for employees
  • Conduct regular 5S audits
  • Encourage employee feedback for improvement
  • Celebrate achievements in maintaining 5S
  • Safety
  • Ensure proper lighting in work areas
  • Keep walkways clear from obstructions
  • Check for and eliminate trip hazards
  • Regularly inspect safety equipment
  • Visual Management
  • Post visual reminders of 5S rules
  • Display progress charts
  • Use signs for emergency exits and equipment
  • Maintain clear and visible safety protocols
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Engage in regular 5S meetings
  • Review and update 5S standards periodically
  • Implement employee suggestions promptly
  • Track improvement over time

More checklists: