Conference Room Rules

A “conference room rules” checklist outlines the key guidelines to ensure the room is used properly and efficiently by all.

  • Usage Guidelines:
  • Book in advance
  • Follow schedule strictly
  • Cancel if not needed
  • Respect booking times
  • Ensure the room is vacant before entering
  • Meeting Management:
  • Arrive on time
  • End on time
  • Limit meetings to necessary participants
  • Distribute agenda beforehand
  • Summarize meeting outcomes
  • Room Etiquette:
  • Turn off mobile phones or mute
  • Speak softly
  • Avoid side conversations
  • No food or drink unless permitted
  • Handle equipment with care
  • Cleanliness:
  • Tidy up after use
  • Dispose of trash properly
  • Clean whiteboards
  • Return furniture to original layout
  • Remove all personal items
  • Equipment Usage:
  • Turn off projector/computer after use
  • Check video conference systems
  • Return remotes to designated spot
  • Report any technical issues
  • Do not install unauthorized software
  • Security:
  • Lock the door if required
  • Do not leave confidential documents
  • Ensure all lights are off when leaving
  • Report any suspicious activity
  • Follow company security protocols

More checklists: