Assisted Living Cleaning Checklist

An assisted living cleaning checklist helps ensure that every area of an assisted living facility is cleaned thoroughly and regularly to maintain a safe and healthy environment for residents.

  • Common Areas
  • Dust furniture
  • Vacuum carpets
  • Mop floors
  • Sanitize light switches
  • Clean windows and mirrors
  • Empty and sanitize trash cans
  • Disinfect doorknobs
  • Wipe down tables and chairs
  • Resident Rooms
  • Change bedding
  • Dust surfaces
  • Vacuum or sweep floors
  • Mop hard floors
  • Sanitize light switches
  • Wipe down furniture
  • Clean windows
  • Disinfect doorknobs
  • Bathrooms
  • Clean and disinfect toilets
  • Sanitize sinks and countertops
  • Mop floors
  • Refill toiletries
  • Clean mirrors
  • Scrub showers and tubs
  • Empty trash cans
  • Wipe down cabinets
  • Kitchen and Dining Areas
  • Wipe countertops
  • Sanitize sinks
  • Clean appliances
  • Mop floors
  • Empty trash cans
  • Sanitize tables and chairs
  • Dust surfaces
  • Disinfect doorknobs

More checklists: