Sunday Reset

A Sunday reset is a routine to organize and tidy up your home in preparation for a productive week ahead.

  • Morning Routine
  • Make the bed
  • Open windows for fresh air
  • Drink a glass of water
  • Stretch for 5 minutes
  • House Cleaning
  • Vacuum all floors
  • Dust surfaces
  • Clean kitchen counters
  • Wipe bathroom mirrors
  • Disinfect door handles
  • Empty trash bins
  • Grocery and Meal Prep
  • Create weekly meal plan
  • Make a grocery list
  • Clean out refrigerator
  • Shop for groceries
  • Wash and chop vegetables
  • Cook one or two staple meals
  • Laundry and Clothing
  • Sort laundry
  • Run laundry loads
  • Fold and put away clothes
  • Iron necessary garments
  • Choose outfits for the week
  • Self-care and Mindfulness
  • Journal for 10 minutes
  • Meditate for 10 minutes
  • Plan exercise routines
  • Relax with a book or hobby
  • Planning and Organization
  • Review upcoming week’s schedule
  • Update calendar or planner
  • Write down weekly goals
  • Set priorities for the week
  • Organize workspace
  • Backup important files

More checklists: