Decluttering Checklist

A decluttering checklist helps you systematically sort through and clear out unnecessary items from your living spaces.

  • Living Room
  • Remove old magazines
  • Donate unused electronics
  • Clear off coffee table
  • Sort through books
  • Organize remote controls
  • Bedroom
  • Fold and put away laundry
  • Donate unworn clothes
  • Declutter nightstand
  • Store seasonal clothing
  • Organize jewelry
  • Kitchen
  • Clean out the fridge
  • Dispose of expired spices
  • Donate unused appliances
  • Organize pantry
  • Sort through Tupperware
  • Bathroom
  • Throw away expired products
  • Organize under the sink
  • Declutter medicine cabinet
  • Replace worn towels
  • Sort through makeup
  • Home Office
  • Recycle old papers
  • Organize desk drawers
  • Shred unnecessary documents
  • Clear off workspace
  • Donate old office supplies
  • Garage
  • Sort through tools
  • Donate unused sports equipment
  • Organize storage bins
  • Recycle old paint cans
  • Clear out car trunk

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