Apartment Building Common Area Disinfection

A checklist for disinfecting apartment building common areas ensures all high-touch surfaces and shared spaces are thoroughly cleaned to reduce the spread of germs.

  • Lobby and Entrance:
  • -Sanitize door handles
  • -Disinfect keypad entry systems
  • -Clean and disinfect mailboxes
  • -Wipe down call buttons
  • -Clean intercom systems
  • Elevators:
  • -Sanitize elevator buttons
  • -Wipe down handrails
  • -Disinfect elevator walls
  • -Clean elevator control panels
  • -Disinfect floor indicators
  • Stairwells:
  • -Clean handrails
  • -Wipe down light switches
  • -Disinfect door handles
  • -Clean stair treads
  • -Wipe down wall areas frequently touched
  • Hallways:
  • -Clean doorknobs
  • -Disinfect handrails
  • -Wipe down light switches
  • -Clean wall areas frequently touched
  • -Disinfect air vents
  • Laundry Room:
  • -Sanitize washer and dryer handles
  • -Clean control panels
  • -Disinfect folding tables
  • -Wipe down laundry carts
  • -Sanitize door handles
  • Fitness Center:
  • -Clean exercise equipment
  • -Disinfect machine touchpoints
  • -Wipe down handrails
  • -Clean weightlifting benches
  • -Disinfect fitness mats

More checklists: