Digital Declutter Checklist

A digital declutter checklist helps you organize, clean, and streamline your digital devices and online spaces for better efficiency and ease of use.

  • Email
  • Unsubscribe from newsletters
  • Delete old emails
  • Organize emails into folders
  • Empty spam folder
  • Empty trash folder
  • Desktop
  • Remove unnecessary shortcuts
  • Organize remaining shortcuts
  • Delete or archive old files
  • Clean up download folder
  • Update desktop wallpaper
  • Browser
  • Clear cache and cookies
  • Delete unused bookmarks
  • Disable unnecessary extensions
  • Update saved passwords
  • Close unused tabs
  • Files and Folders
  • Sort documents by category
  • Rename files for clarity
  • Delete duplicates
  • Backup important files
  • Compress large files
  • Applications
  • Uninstall unused software
  • Update all remaining software
  • Clear app data cache
  • Review and update app permissions
  • Remove outdated widgets
  • Cloud Storage
  • Delete redundant files
  • Update shared folders
  • Organize directories
  • Free up storage space
  • Sync with local devices
  • Social Media
  • Unfollow inactive accounts
  • Update profile information
  • Clean up post history
  • Review privacy settings
  • Update contact lists

More checklists: