Hoarder Cleaning Checklist

A hoarder cleaning checklist provides a step-by-step guide to decluttering and thoroughly cleaning the living spaces of someone who has accumulated excessive amounts of items.

  • Initial Preparation
  • Gather cleaning supplies
  • Wear protective gear
  • Prepare a trash disposal plan
  • Set up sorting boxes (Keep, Donate, Trash)
  • Establish a staging area
  • Decluttering
  • Start with the entryway
  • Clear pathways for movement
  • Remove all trash first
  • Sort items into boxes
  • Dispose of expired food/drinks
  • Living Room
  • Clear surfaces
  • Declutter furniture
  • Organize shelves
  • Dust electronics and fixtures
  • Vacuum or sweep floors
  • Kitchen
  • Empty cabinets and drawers
  • Wash and sanitize surfaces
  • Clean appliances (fridge, microwave, oven)
  • Dispose of spoiled food
  • Organize utensils and pantry
  • Bedrooms
  • Remove unnecessary furniture
  • Declutter closets
  • Change and wash bedding
  • Dust and wipe surfaces
  • Vacuum or sweep
  • Bathrooms
  • Clear countertops
  • Organize toiletries
  • Clean mirrors and fixtures
  • Scrub toilet, shower, and sink
  • Launder or replace towels and mats
  • Final Steps
  • Dispose of trash responsibly
  • Have donation items collected
  • Vacuum and mop all floors
  • Double-check for remaining clutter
  • Ventilate house for fresh air

More checklists: