How to Clean a Depression Room

A depression room is a cluttered, often neglected space that can overwhelm an individual struggling with depression, making it difficult to maintain cleanliness.

  • Start with Trash
  • Gather all garbage bags
  • Collect trash from floor
  • Pick up items from bed
  • Empty wastebaskets
  • Dispose of spoiled food
  • Organize and Declutter
  • Sort dirty laundry
  • Fold clean clothes
  • Put away loose items
  • Return dishes to kitchen
  • Organize desk items
  • Dusting
  • Dust high surfaces
  • Dust shelves
  • Dust electronics
  • Dust window sills
  • Dust furniture
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Wipe down counters
  • Clean coffee table
  • Wipe down shelves
  • Sanitize door handles
  • Clean light switches
  • Vacuuming and Sweeping
  • Vacuum carpet
  • Sweep hard floors
  • Clean under furniture
  • Vacuum upholstery
  • Clean corners and edges
  • Final Touches
  • Make the bed
  • Open windows for ventilation
  • Set up air freshener
  • Arrange pillows and blankets
  • Close the windows
  • Bathroom
  • Clean toilet
  • Wipe down the sink
  • Kitchen
  • Wash dishes
  • Clean countertops
  • Finishing
  • Take out the trash
  • Organize cleaning supplies

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