Passover Cleaning

Passover cleaning involves thorough cleaning of the house to remove all traces of chametz (leavened products) in preparation for the Passover holiday.

  • Kitchen
  • Clean countertops
  • Wipe cabinet exteriors
  • Clean inside cabinets
  • Scrub stovetop
  • Clean oven
  • Empty and clean refrigerator
  • Wash all dishes and utensils
  • Cover non-Passover utensils
  • Replace sponges
  • Clean kitchen sink
  • Living Room
  • Dust surfaces
  • Clean shelves
  • Vacuum floors
  • Wash windows
  • Clean blinds
  • Remove and clean cushions
  • Wipe electronics
  • Sweep corners and baseboards
  • Organize books and magazines
  • Clean light switches
  • Bedrooms
  • Wash bed linens
  • Clean under beds
  • Dust furniture
  • Clean mirrors
  • Wash windows
  • Wipe down closets
  • Vacuum floors
  • Clean lamp shades
  • Organize drawers
  • Empty trash cans

More checklists: