School Bus Cleaning Checklist

A “school bus cleaning checklist” is a detailed list of tasks to ensure a school bus is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

  • Exterior Cleaning
  • Wash and rinse exterior surfaces
  • Check and clean mirrors
  • Clean windows and windshield
  • Clean lights and indicators
  • Wash wheels and tires
  • Clean bus stop sign
  • Interior Cleaning – General
  • Sweep floors
  • Mop floors
  • Clean seats and seat backs
  • Vacuum seat cushions
  • Clean windows from inside
  • Dust and clean dashboard
  • Clean driver area
  • Ceiling and Walls
  • Clean ceiling
  • Clean walls
  • Wipe down handrails
  • Clean air conditioning vents
  • Check and clean light fixtures
  • Safety Equipment
  • Clean and sanitize seat belts
  • Clean fire extinguisher case
  • Check and clean emergency exits
  • Clean first aid kit case
  • Sanitization
  • Disinfect high-touch areas
  • Disinfect handrails
  • Disinfect seat belts
  • Disinfect door handles
  • Disinfect window latches
  • Refill sanitizing stations
  • Stock cleaning supplies
  • Waste Management
  • Empty trash bins
  • Wipe down trash bins
  • Replace trash liners
  • Clean under seats
  • Dispose of any biohazard waste
  • Finishing Touches
  • Air out the bus
  • Inspect for any missed spots
  • Lock windows and doors

More checklists: