Subway Cleaning Checklist

This checklist ensures thorough cleaning and maintenance of all areas within a subway station.

  • Platform Cleaning
  • Sweep platforms
  • Mop platforms
  • Empty trash bins
  • Wipe down benches
  • Remove graffiti
  • Clean public notice boards
  • Train Interior Cleaning
  • Sweep train floors
  • Mop train floors
  • Wipe down seats
  • Disinfect handrails
  • Clean windows
  • Remove trash
  • Station Entrance and Ticketing Area
  • Sweep entrance area
  • Clean ticket machines
  • Wipe down turnstiles
  • Empty trash bins
  • Sanitize handrails
  • Clean elevator buttons
  • Restrooms
  • Clean toilets
  • Disinfect sinks
  • Restock toilet paper
  • Refill soap dispensers
  • Wipe down mirrors
  • Mop restroom floors
  • Escalators and Stairs
  • Sweep escalator steps
  • Clean escalator handrails
  • Mop staircases
  • Wipe down stair railings
  • Remove any debris
  • Clean escalator edges

More checklists: